Humpback whale in Monterey Bay

Humpback whale in Monterey Bay

Your company goes above and beyond what we expect and the supplies they use are eco-friendly which makes it healthier for our kids and dog!
— Allison

Our Roots

We are an organic ‘GO GREEN’ company that cares for the environment. Enough of these chemicals taking over the world!

We use only eco-friendly supplies and equipment. Yes, we even use green gloves! We will take care of your home, business, or any other facility with care and love. Leaving a clean pleasant earthy scent ‘AROMATHERAPEUTIC’ that will not only have you feeling great, but your pets as well.

Our family has been a cleaning all sorts of facilities from homes to commercial buildings of all sizes for more than 20 years on the Monterey Peninsula. Starting off as a family business with hopes of one day expanding, we have all agreed to take this family business to the next level. We are a limited liability company, insured and bonded. (LIC NO. 9992018104)

Based on an eco-friendly-loving foundation in the heart of the Monterey Peninsula, we care for each and everyone of our clients and guarantee satisfaction. We are not only a team, but a family that cares for the land, water, soil, and air.